Tips When Taking Care of Your Asphalt

Whether you need repairs or new paving, it’s necessary to know how to take care of your new asphalt driveway. Mistakes can harm your driveway, which isn’t good because you’ve just spent hours and days on your driveway. That’s why it’s necessary to hire a professional asphalt paving service. You can take the following steps to care for and maintain your driveway:

Never Expose Your Driveway to Extreme Conditions

If you leave a car sitting on your driveway for long periods or have it surrounded by trees, the ground will begin to dry out and become brittle. It will eventually crack, causing the asphalt to break open and rust. Another common way a driveway becomes damaged is when earthen mounds are in the sun and wind. Regardless of how well-maintained your driveway is, it’s best to avoid leaving it in exposed locations.

Always Apply a Protective Coating

Asphalt can become vulnerable to water. So, it’s essential to apply a protective coating before winter. A protective coating will help prevent water from seeping through the ground and into your driveway. It can be done by either coating the driveway with a thin layer of asphalt sealer or applying an asphalt loam.

Drain the Pothole and Fill It With Rock Salt

As soon as you see a pothole, fill it with rock salt. Rock salt is highly absorbent, so it’ll immediately suck up any water that falls into the pothole. After you’ve filled the pothole with rock salt, cover it with a concrete patch. Add more rock salt until the concrete is completely covered.

Although you take care of your asphalt paving, there are still moments when you will need the assistance of a trusted asphalt service provider in San Antonio, TX. So, when you need one, you must rely on Hackney Paving & Construction. We are one of the most dependable asphalt providers in the area. To learn more about us, contact us at (210) 876-8267 now!