The Cost of Paving Your Driveway

Asphalt paving is a popular and cost-effective paving option for homeowners and commercial property owners alike. It is an affordable paving option that is both durable and functional, and it can provide safe, smooth, and comfortable pathways for vehicles, people, and other objects.

There are many factors that can affect the price of paving asphalt. The materials used, the size of the project, and the weather conditions are all factors that will affect the overall cost of the project.


The first thing that will affect the price of paving services will be the materials. The cost of asphalt can range from $2.30 a square yard for low-quality asphalt to $4.30 a square yard for higher-quality asphalt. However, the price of materials will vary depending on the supplier, the location, and the type of asphalt used.

The cost of paving an asphalt will also depend on the supplier, the type of asphalt used, and the size of the project. Asphalt can be used in various projects, and the price will depend on the size of the project. When choosing an asphalt paver, make sure to ask about the price of the asphalt used.

Time of Year

There are various factors that can affect the price of paving services, and one of those factors is the time of year. During winter, the asphalt is harder and the temperature is lower, which means that asphalt has to be mixed with more asphalt cement in order to achieve the right consistency. On top of that, asphalt must be mixed and spread during winter in order to avoid rain from softening the asphalt, as rain mixed with water will often result in the asphalt not sticking to the gravel.

If you are looking for a professional asphalt paving service based in San Antonio, TX, then don’t hesitate to turn to Hackney Paving & Construction. For more information, give us a call at (210) 876-8267.