Top Three Indicators That Your Asphalt Is Trouble

Cars and trucks drive on asphalt every day. This material is limited to a certain lifespan. And when that time comes, it’s best to call a flat-traffic asphalt repair contractor. Your asphalt condition can cause car damage, and you don’t want your vehicle to get involved in an accident because of a pothole. Here are signs that your asphalt needs repair:

Deep Potholes

If your driveway has a few deep potholes, it makes you feel unsafe. Also, if you want to use your car every day, it might get damaged in the long run because of a pothole. Although these can be filled with asphalt, it doesn’t mean the problem is solved. With the help of a reliable flat-traffic asphalt contractor, you can resolve the pothole problem quickly.

Water Stains

If you notice water stains on your asphalt, this could be a sign of a leak. When the water leaks into your asphalt, it can cause rust and stain your vehicle’s finish. The damage can affect the safety and security of your car. In this case, consider a professional asphalt contractor to keep your driveway in good condition and safe for your vehicle.


If you see small stones and chits on your asphalt, this is a big problem. It can damage your vehicle and its braking system, making you liable for any accident and damage you may cause. If you don’t want to face these problems and prevent car damage, hire a professional flat-traffic asphalt service. They can handle all your asphalt or paving needs.

Are you experiencing any of these problems at home? If yes, call Hackney Paving & Construction. We are one of the well-known asphalt repair contractors in San Antonio, TX. You can guarantee a safe and effective service from us. To have us, don’t hesitate to contact us at (210) 876-8267 now!