Asphalt Patching Types

Asphalt cracking and the development of potholes can occur for a variety of reasons. Small fractures will develop and spread until they become dangerous due to traffic volume and environmental pressures like rain and ice. Even though scheduling road maintenance can seem like a hassle, leaving potholes and other road hazards unfixed is never an option. Making asphalt patch work simply for the community is the primary priority. There are various approaches to doing the assignment, all of which rely on the current circumstance. Here is a quick explanation of each procedure and suggested circumstance:

Infrared Asphalt Restoration

Infrared Restoration, arguably the “highest tech” restoration procedure, is a “green” substitute for other asphalt patching techniques. Infrared road repair (IRR) is the process of absorbing heat or radiation into damaged asphalt to help with removal. A 400-degree Fahrenheit temperature is applied to the affected parts. Reheated to connect with the previous, undamaged patches, the damaged part is then replaced with fresh or recycled material.

Cold Patch

A cold patch is a transient pothole patching method. Cold patch is available from a home improvement retailer. With a shovel and a square hand tamper, it is very simple to install and comes in a 50lb bag. Since it won’t last long before erosion starts, a cold patch would only be suitable in an emergency. Until you can schedule expert repairs shortly, this is a good way to prevent tripping hazards and more damage.

Skin Patching/Surface Patching

A similar temporary repair to a cold patch, skin patching, or surface patching uses a hot mix instead. Although it will stay longer than a cold patch because of the use of a hot mix, it still needs to be updated using IRR or a saw cut removal. When a cold patch would quickly deteriorate in high-usage locations, skin patching is the best temporary solution.

Saw Cut and Removal

Finding weak sections of the asphalt is the usual technique for “crocodile cracking,” which necessitates total replacement. Following their identification, these places are highlighted with paint and marked with a chalk line. The fractured asphalt is then dug up between two and six inches deep after the perimeter has been sawed.

Hackney Paving & Construction is the company you need for asphalt patch work! If you need the assistance of our San Antonio, TX team, you should call us at (210) 876-8267 today.